Saturday, November 23, 2013

Reaching Out to RSCC (Reception and Study Center for Children) - Lubao, Pampanga

Lubao, Pampanga
23 November 2013

RSCC Office, Prado Siongco, Lubao, Pampanga
The Holy Bible says: "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." (Hebrews 13:16).

I'm not a party-goer type of a person, but it does not mean that I hate parties. Whenever I hear the words, "Birthday', 'Christmas' and 'Anniversaries', for me they only mean one thing, party!

For my more than 10-year stay at the corporate world, I must say that I, together with my colleagues, must have been truly blessed - to had celebrated our anniversaries and Christmas seasons with fun-filled glittery and some glamorous parties.

Since then, these practices or corporate culture had been imprinted into my system such that when the calendar points to 'ber' - months, I already know what it means even without our bosses telling us.

My type of celebrations could be quite different from others as I feel more joy and long-lasting happiness to share whatever that is pleasing to my heart and conscience to the most needy - forgo fancy parties and noisy celebrations - and celebrate instead with simplicity full of gratitude.

I had been dreaming for us at the company, on our special occasions to go out, to give hope and do any little and simple ways we can to touch the lives of those who are in need.
Such dream had finally came into reality.

I felt as if my heart jumped out of my chest when the management announced that they had decided to do a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to celebrate the company's 21st anniversary in the Philippines. I had been tasked to scout a nearby place where we could do our CSR.

The initial plan was to do a tree-planting in the morning, celebrate the company's anniversary at an orphanage or at a kindergarten school with the children in the afternoon and finally spend the night bonding with each other at a nice resort or hotel.

We had few challenges. We learned from the bureau of forestry that the tree-planting season had ended in the month of July and the next season continues in the beginning of next year. The overnight stay had also been cancelled by the management lately and decided to donate the budget to a selected orphanage or children school.

We then focused on celebrating the anniversary at an orphanage in the morning and then do a simple team building in the remaining half of the day.

I learned from a colleague who was raised from a province up north about a lone orphanage for children 0 to 6 years of age. The Reception and Study Center for Children (RSCC) is a home for more than 75 abandoned, neglected and abused children 0 to 6 years old located at Prado Siongco, Lubao, Pampanga.
RSCC is a home for atleast 75 abandoned, neglected and abused children
Nearby the site, is the "Dambana ng Kagitingan" (Shrine of Valor), a national park situated atop Mt. Samat in the province of Bataan. After several weeks of preparation, we had finalized our plans and programs for the company's 21st year anniversary celebration - not with the usual glittery party but to reach out, give hope and touch the lives of the children at RSCC.

Each member of the company had been assigned with atleast 1 child from RSCC to adopt and provide any useful gift. There were around 80 children including those from the nursery and orange group (special kids).

We decided to get the service of the nearest food provider - Jollibee for the lunch with a mascot to entertain the kids.

Early morning on the 23rd day of November 2013, we left Makati on a convoy towards Lubao, Pampanga. It was a 2-hour drive. RSCC is located at the middle of a vast open field about a kilometer away from the main road. The first half of the road is cemented and the remaining half until RSCC office is a rough road.

The volunteers were preparing the venue when we arrived - arranging chairs and setting up the sound system. While we are preparing, the kids were slowly escorted by the volunteers into the venue. I had to say that by looking at them, my heart started to melt. We gathered the children around the stage.
Kids lined-up as they arrive at the venue
Even before we started the program, the children were already happily interacting with us. I felt, from the looks of their faces, that they were so happy to see us, wanting to be cuddled and feel a warm hug, things they had always been longing for in every moment of their lives. Their innocent smiles were their simplest way of saying "thank you" to all of us.
Celebrating our anniversary with the RSCC kids
We started the program at 9:00AM. "Ate" Erma delivered a simple and cheerful opening remarks for the kids and then followed by "Ate" Noris. "Ate" Alinil prepared several exciting games for everyone.
Playing games with RSCC kids
The games were not played by the children alone. All of the staff played with the children too.
While everyone was busy playing the games, I was equally busy taking close-up candid shots of the children's happy faces and a laptop operator at the same time.

Everyone enjoyed the balloon burst, match box race, sack race and most of all the "pabitin".
Kids partying with Mascot
HLP Team with RSCC Kids
Much was the excitement of the children to see the Jollibee mascot wiggle and giggle at the middle of the stage to the tune of "Gimme.. gimme.. gimme.." and "Gangnam style.." We had many photo-ops with the mascot and with the children. I was so delighted to see the happy faces of every child as they gracefully danced at the stage with the mascot.

The lunch was served for the children. Again, staff were assigned to assist the volunteers.
While the kids were enjoying their spaghetti and chicken, I was so busy taking candid "moments shots". Deep inside me, I was celebrating with the kids - just looking at their happy faces -  and my heart also was smiling with joy.

I was once a kid and I know the feeling of receiving a toy or a gift. After the lunch, we started distributing our gifts to the children. Each staff was called at the stage to present individual gifts to the children.
Three kids were assigned to me and I felt how happy the kids were at that time. I felt so honored and fulfilled to hand-over my gifts to the children assigned to me one-by-one and saw a sincere smile at their faces as they looked at the toys.
Goods for RSCC and kids
The company also donated goods to RSCC for the children and the volunteers.
HLP Team at RSCC
We ended the program with a happy and fulfilled heart knowing that what we did something with a great value.

We had our lunch at around 12:00 noon, tidy up after and headed on to our side trip at "Dambana ng Kagitingan".

From RSCC, we headed on west and down south to the province of Bataan. Bataan is one of the best places to go to reminisce the heroism of our fellow Filipinos during World War II.
Shrine of Valor at Mt. Samat
It took us an hour drive to the Mt. Samat National Shrine from RSCC. It is located atop Mt. Samat and it is about 6 kilometers away from the main road. The road going up the shrine is a zigzag cemented road. The altitude at the shrine is around 600 Meters Above Sea Level (MASL).
HLP members at Dambana ng Kagitingan
It was my first time to be at the site, though, I had seen the big cross from the main road in one of my travels at the province of Bataan.

According to Wikipedia, the cross is about 302 feet high. The Mount Samat National Shrine was erected as a fitting memorial to the heroic struggle and sacrifices of those soldiers who fought and died in that historic bastion of freedom. (
HLP team having dinner at Razon's along NLEX
HLP team having dinner at Razon's along NLEX
At about 3:00 PM, we left Mt. Samat and then headed back to Manila via the SCTEX. We stopped at a gas station along NLEX and ended the day with a sumptuous dinner.

This activity, for me, is certainly one of the best and I will always remember.




  1. Thank you forsharing this experience. I am so sorry thst I have not known this orphansge in Lubao. I came from lubao and I will make sure thst I visit the orphanage and channel our charity spornsorship to the children there. Thank u again and God bless you for letting us know about the orphanage

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